Stock Quote and Chart with yahoo using c#
Stock Quote and Chart with yahoo using c#
Step 1
Create a website with visual studio and copy the below code paste in your page code behind .
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// The page is being loaded and accessed for the first time.
// Retrieve user input from the form.
if (Request.QueryString["s"] == null)
// Set the default stock symbol to YHOO.
m_symbol = "STER.NS";
// Get the user's input.
m_symbol = Request.QueryString["s"].ToString().ToUpper();
// Update the textbox value.
txtSymbol.Value = m_symbol;
// This DIV that contains text and DIVs that displays stock quotes and chart from Yahoo.
// Set the innerHTML property to replaces the existing content of the DIV.
divService.InnerHtml = "<br />";
if (m_symbol.Trim() != "")
// Return the stock quote data in XML format.
String arg = GetQuote(m_symbol.Trim());
if (arg == null)
// Read XML.
// Declare an XmlDocument object to represents an XML document.
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
// Loads the XML data from a stream.
// Read XSLT
// Declare an XslCompiledTransform object to transform XML data using an XSLT style sheet.
XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();
// Use the Load method to load the Xsl transform object.
// Transform the XML document into HTML.
StringWriter fs = new StringWriter();
xslt.Transform(xd.CreateNavigator(), null, fs);
string result = fs.ToString();
// Replace the characters ">" and "<" back to "<" and ">".
divService.InnerHtml = "<br />" + result.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">") + "<br />";
// Display stock charts.
String[] symbols = m_symbol.Replace(",", " ").Split(' ');
// Loop through each stock
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Length; ++i)
if (symbols[i].Trim() == "")
int index = divService.InnerHtml.ToLower().IndexOf(symbols[i].Trim().ToLower() + " is invalid.");
// If index = -1, the stock symbol is valid.
if (index == -1)
// Use a random number to defeat cache.
Random random = new Random();
divService.InnerHtml += "<img id='imgChart_" + i.ToString() + "' src='" + symbols[i].Trim().ToUpper() + "& " + random.Next() + "' border=0><br />";
// 1 days
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(0," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div1d_" + i.ToString() + "'><b>1d</b></span></a> ";
// 5 days
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(1," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div5d_" + i.ToString() + "'>5d</span></a> ";
// 3 months
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(2," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div3m_" + i.ToString() + "'>3m</span></a> ";
// 6 months
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(3," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div6m_" + i.ToString() + "'>6m</span></a> ";
// 1 yeas
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(4," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div1y_" + i.ToString() + "'>1y</span></a> ";
// 2 years
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(5," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div2y_" + i.ToString() + "'>2y</span></a> ";
// 5 years
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(6," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div5y_" + i.ToString() + "'>5y</span></a> ";
// Max
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(7," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='divMax_" + i.ToString() + "'>Max</span></a><br><br /><br /> ";
// Handle exceptions
/// <summary>
/// This function handles and parses multiple stock symbols as input parameters
/// and builds a valid XML return document.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="symbol">A bunch of stock symbols seperated by space or comma</param>
/// <returns>Return stock quote data in XML format</returns>
public string GetQuote(string symbol)
// Set the return string to null.
string result = null;
// Use Yahoo finance service to download stock data from Yahoo
string yahooURL = @"" + symbol + "&f=sl1d1t1c1hgvbap2";
string[] symbols = symbol.Replace(",", " ").Split(' ');
// Initialize a new WebRequest.
HttpWebRequest webreq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(yahooURL);
// Get the response from the Internet resource.
HttpWebResponse webresp = (HttpWebResponse)webreq.GetResponse();
// Read the body of the response from the server.
StreamReader strm = new StreamReader(webresp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII);
// Construct a XML in string format.
string tmp = "<StockQuotes>";
string content = "";
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Length; i++)
// Loop through each line from the stream, building the return XML Document string
if (symbols[i].Trim() == "")
content = strm.ReadLine().Replace("\"", "");
string[] contents = content.ToString().Split(',');
// If contents[2] = "N/A". the stock symbol is invalid.
if (contents[2] == "N/A")
// Construct XML via strings.
tmp += "<Stock>";
// "<" and ">" are illegal in XML elements. Replace the characters "<" and ">" to ">" and "<".
tmp += "<Symbol><span style='color:red'>" + symbols[i].ToUpper() + " is invalid.</span></Symbol>";
tmp += "<Last></Last>";
tmp += "<Date></Date>";
tmp += "<Time></Time>";
tmp += "<Change></Change>";
tmp += "<High></High>";
tmp += "<Low></Low>";
tmp += "<Volume></Volume>";
tmp += "<Bid></Bid>";
tmp += "<Ask></Ask>";
tmp += "<Ask></Ask>";
tmp += "</Stock>";
//construct XML via strings.
tmp += "<Stock>";
tmp += "<Symbol>" + contents[0] + "</Symbol>";
tmp += "<Last>" + String.Format("{0:c}", Convert.ToDouble(contents[1])) + "</Last>";
tmp += "<Last>" + contents[1] + "</Last>";
tmp += "<Date>" + contents[2] + "</Date>";
tmp += "<Time>" + contents[3] + "</Time>";
// "<" and ">" are illegal in XML elements. Replace the characters "<" and ">" to ">" and "<".
if (contents[4].Trim().Substring(0, 1) == "-")
tmp += "<Change><span style='color:red'>" + contents[4] + "(" + contents[10] + ")" + "<span></Change>";
else if (contents[4].Trim().Substring(0, 1) == "+")
tmp += "<Change><span style='color:green'>" + contents[4] + "(" + contents[10] + ")" + "<span></Change>";
tmp += "<Change>" + contents[4] + "(" + contents[10] + ")" + "</Change>";
tmp += "<High>" + contents[5] + "</High>";
tmp += "<Low>" + contents[6] + "</Low>";
tmp += "<Volume>" + String.Format("{0:0,0}", Convert.ToInt64(contents[7])) + "</Volume>";
tmp += "<Volume>" + contents[7] + "</Volume>";
tmp += "<Bid>" + contents[8] + "</Bid>";
tmp += "<Ask>" + contents[9] + "</Ask>";
tmp += "</Stock>";
// Set the return string
result += tmp;
tmp = "";
// Set the return string
result += "</StockQuotes>";
// Close the StreamReader object.
// Handle exceptions.
// Return the stock quote data in XML format.
return result;
Step 2
Run your site and search your quote .
If you have any problem so you can download the sample application from below link ..
If it help full for you please share to your friend..
Step 1
Create a website with visual studio and copy the below code paste in your page code behind .
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// The page is being loaded and accessed for the first time.
// Retrieve user input from the form.
if (Request.QueryString["s"] == null)
// Set the default stock symbol to YHOO.
m_symbol = "STER.NS";
// Get the user's input.
m_symbol = Request.QueryString["s"].ToString().ToUpper();
// Update the textbox value.
txtSymbol.Value = m_symbol;
// This DIV that contains text and DIVs that displays stock quotes and chart from Yahoo.
// Set the innerHTML property to replaces the existing content of the DIV.
divService.InnerHtml = "<br />";
if (m_symbol.Trim() != "")
// Return the stock quote data in XML format.
String arg = GetQuote(m_symbol.Trim());
if (arg == null)
// Read XML.
// Declare an XmlDocument object to represents an XML document.
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
// Loads the XML data from a stream.
// Read XSLT
// Declare an XslCompiledTransform object to transform XML data using an XSLT style sheet.
XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();
// Use the Load method to load the Xsl transform object.
// Transform the XML document into HTML.
StringWriter fs = new StringWriter();
xslt.Transform(xd.CreateNavigator(), null, fs);
string result = fs.ToString();
// Replace the characters ">" and "<" back to "<" and ">".
divService.InnerHtml = "<br />" + result.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">") + "<br />";
// Display stock charts.
String[] symbols = m_symbol.Replace(",", " ").Split(' ');
// Loop through each stock
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Length; ++i)
if (symbols[i].Trim() == "")
int index = divService.InnerHtml.ToLower().IndexOf(symbols[i].Trim().ToLower() + " is invalid.");
// If index = -1, the stock symbol is valid.
if (index == -1)
// Use a random number to defeat cache.
Random random = new Random();
divService.InnerHtml += "<img id='imgChart_" + i.ToString() + "' src='" + symbols[i].Trim().ToUpper() + "& " + random.Next() + "' border=0><br />";
// 1 days
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(0," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div1d_" + i.ToString() + "'><b>1d</b></span></a> ";
// 5 days
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(1," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div5d_" + i.ToString() + "'>5d</span></a> ";
// 3 months
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(2," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div3m_" + i.ToString() + "'>3m</span></a> ";
// 6 months
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(3," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div6m_" + i.ToString() + "'>6m</span></a> ";
// 1 yeas
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(4," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div1y_" + i.ToString() + "'>1y</span></a> ";
// 2 years
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(5," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div2y_" + i.ToString() + "'>2y</span></a> ";
// 5 years
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(6," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='div5y_" + i.ToString() + "'>5y</span></a> ";
// Max
divService.InnerHtml += "<a style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: Blue;' href='javascript:changeChart(7," + i.ToString() + ", \"" + symbols[i].ToLower() + "\");'><span id='divMax_" + i.ToString() + "'>Max</span></a><br><br /><br /> ";
// Handle exceptions
/// <summary>
/// This function handles and parses multiple stock symbols as input parameters
/// and builds a valid XML return document.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="symbol">A bunch of stock symbols seperated by space or comma</param>
/// <returns>Return stock quote data in XML format</returns>
public string GetQuote(string symbol)
// Set the return string to null.
string result = null;
// Use Yahoo finance service to download stock data from Yahoo
string yahooURL = @"" + symbol + "&f=sl1d1t1c1hgvbap2";
string[] symbols = symbol.Replace(",", " ").Split(' ');
// Initialize a new WebRequest.
HttpWebRequest webreq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(yahooURL);
// Get the response from the Internet resource.
HttpWebResponse webresp = (HttpWebResponse)webreq.GetResponse();
// Read the body of the response from the server.
StreamReader strm = new StreamReader(webresp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII);
// Construct a XML in string format.
string tmp = "<StockQuotes>";
string content = "";
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Length; i++)
// Loop through each line from the stream, building the return XML Document string
if (symbols[i].Trim() == "")
content = strm.ReadLine().Replace("\"", "");
string[] contents = content.ToString().Split(',');
// If contents[2] = "N/A". the stock symbol is invalid.
if (contents[2] == "N/A")
// Construct XML via strings.
tmp += "<Stock>";
// "<" and ">" are illegal in XML elements. Replace the characters "<" and ">" to ">" and "<".
tmp += "<Symbol><span style='color:red'>" + symbols[i].ToUpper() + " is invalid.</span></Symbol>";
tmp += "<Last></Last>";
tmp += "<Date></Date>";
tmp += "<Time></Time>";
tmp += "<Change></Change>";
tmp += "<High></High>";
tmp += "<Low></Low>";
tmp += "<Volume></Volume>";
tmp += "<Bid></Bid>";
tmp += "<Ask></Ask>";
tmp += "<Ask></Ask>";
tmp += "</Stock>";
//construct XML via strings.
tmp += "<Stock>";
tmp += "<Symbol>" + contents[0] + "</Symbol>";
tmp += "<Last>" + String.Format("{0:c}", Convert.ToDouble(contents[1])) + "</Last>";
tmp += "<Last>" + contents[1] + "</Last>";
tmp += "<Date>" + contents[2] + "</Date>";
tmp += "<Time>" + contents[3] + "</Time>";
// "<" and ">" are illegal in XML elements. Replace the characters "<" and ">" to ">" and "<".
if (contents[4].Trim().Substring(0, 1) == "-")
tmp += "<Change><span style='color:red'>" + contents[4] + "(" + contents[10] + ")" + "<span></Change>";
else if (contents[4].Trim().Substring(0, 1) == "+")
tmp += "<Change><span style='color:green'>" + contents[4] + "(" + contents[10] + ")" + "<span></Change>";
tmp += "<Change>" + contents[4] + "(" + contents[10] + ")" + "</Change>";
tmp += "<High>" + contents[5] + "</High>";
tmp += "<Low>" + contents[6] + "</Low>";
tmp += "<Volume>" + String.Format("{0:0,0}", Convert.ToInt64(contents[7])) + "</Volume>";
tmp += "<Volume>" + contents[7] + "</Volume>";
tmp += "<Bid>" + contents[8] + "</Bid>";
tmp += "<Ask>" + contents[9] + "</Ask>";
tmp += "</Stock>";
// Set the return string
result += tmp;
tmp = "";
// Set the return string
result += "</StockQuotes>";
// Close the StreamReader object.
// Handle exceptions.
// Return the stock quote data in XML format.
return result;
Step 2
Run your site and search your quote .
If you have any problem so you can download the sample application from below link ..
If it help full for you please share to your friend..
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